I was browsing through some old photos and came across some pictures from Disneyland, January 1991. At this time in my childhood my Dad was always overseas with the Marine Corp so he was not apart of this trip. I was the youngest of group that included my older brother and sister (Matt & Jennifer) and my Mom's best friend's kids Cory and Sammy. I actually remember this day very well and the ride that scared me the most was Splash Mountain!

Sammy and I playing Swords (And not in the Toilet)

Sammy and I on PeopleMover

My Mom and Vicki in the same car across from us. The style of glasses people wear has changed a lot in under 20 years.

My Mom, Sammy and I before seeing Micheal Jackson in 3D with some aliens. This show scared me a bit too mainly because I'm Micheal's Type!

Sammy on Autopia

Sammy trying to pick the most Indiana Jones of hats.

Sammy, Matt and I with some squirrel (I forget his name... is it Chip or Dale?)

From Left to Right - Jennifer, Sammy, Matt, Cory, Cody (Me)
Ohhhh Cody, stop finding pictures of me with that super short hair. I hated it. BTW I just had to point out that you're wrong about the chair lift ride. That wasn't it. The picture is of the people mover that used to be in Tomorrowland, it was the lamest ride ever... the tracks for it are still there. I noticed it when we went for my birthday. I also noticed the closed up the hole that used to be through the top of the Matterhorn for that chairlift ride.
Ahh... I see. The cars reminded me of a chairlift, I will fix that when I find out the official name. (I'm sure it's on wikipedia) I actually have about 15 other old school theme park pictures I want to put up. Like Disneyland 1983 and maybe Castle Park, Knott's Berry Farm, and Great America.
That's what it was called and the chairlift was the Skyway to Tomorowland.
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