Six Flags Magic Mountain - 9/22/2009
Today we went to the park because Six Flags was hosting their Summer Concert Series with a live performance from Everclear. Not a band I care for at all, but it happens to be one of Sarah's favorites! We showed later in the afternoon and didn't ride many coasters. We brought our souvenir bottle with us to the park and didn't feel like paying a dollar every time we wanted to ride a coaster.
For some reason not all the rides have the same loose article policy and I was asked to carry my souvenir bottle with me on Goliath, Colossus, Riddler's Revenge, and Gold Rusher. I don't understand why it's okay on those rides, but not on Terminator Salvation The Ride, Tatsu, Batman The Ride, Scream! ect... We spent some time at guest relations filling a complaint against the locker policy and souvenir bottles. I think it's wrong to make guest carry their souvenir bottles with them on rides like Goliath because it's a safety issue, but I also think it's wrong to make them stand in long lines on a hot day without anything to drink.
Well we rode only a few coasters that day and Sarah got to see Everclear so I still consider it to be a good day.
Sarah is not the greatest singer, just listen to her Sha, la, la, la, ect... lati-da! This is Brown Eyed Girl - Everclear
We ended the night at Knott's Berry Farm for some quick Xcelerator rides! Thanks for reading and have fun!